5 months ago



Next up

With this the office is 98% finished.

you already know what's next, right? yep...



me the 100% official pixel artist game no fake pro max

💖 Feliz Badlentin 💖 Happy Badlentine 💖

Espero que la pasen muy bien este día mis muchachos!

Como de costumbre vengo a dar información para el juego así que..

(Leer article para mas)

Welcome to the All Fazkey Restaurant.

Muy buenas gente! mi dia 14 de feb se esta acabando..asi que como ultima cosa les queria dar esto! inspirado en las cartas de la newsletter de UT&DELTARUNE !

Tienen que elegir solo 1 imagen de las marcadas en spoiler y sera dedicada a ti quizas..Y-

La noche nevada se aproxima....

(teaser para algo futuro del juego...)

[OTAKU MIND] song preview

For some reason I forgot to post this here but

I'm making a mod about lucky star!

You can follow us on twitter/X as "Funkystars_Team"

in case you want to know more about him!

Music and Voices by: Callumgaming

Preview Video by: Me

something epic and funny will come one day

TNAV 2 CLASSIC comes out today! My pixel art will be released in game for an update, but I still invite you to try this wonderful game!