2 months ago

Oh no!

It looks like this profile is getting deleted!

This profile will now be erased soon.



Next up

Not the best way to end this day but eh whatever

Oh and also

Yes I WILL make a return

There WILL be an account where I will post a random meme every week

So Im not REALLY quitting

But still hope you guys DONT miss me since yk

I did really horrible stuff..

Anyways have this meme while I go

You See my face goin skibidi skibidi dodidodi p goin skibidi skibidi

Bye now or something

I'll probably delete this account

This is my current mood rn /srs

I should be allowed to use roblox unrestricted

Yeah I'll definitely delete this account so byeeee

You See my face goin skibidi skibidi dodidodi p goin skibidi skibidi

I'll just post this and go now since I'm PRETTY sure I'm not welcomed here now

Like I'm literally pissed off by the fact people have THE AUDACITY to demand an unblock from ME, someone who is CLEARLY quitting and think I'll unblock them