Project Terminus
5 years ago

Oh yeah also 1.4.3 Released, fixes most of the save issues i've been trying to fix, final update hopefully



Next up

Happy New Years! 2019 Was an incredible ride, and I look forward to an even better year for 2020! This year's teaser showcases the novel PT Contagion, and the upcoming game, Blight of Winter!

Perfectly Placed.

Happy New Years ! How I plan to do things going into 2023~

Happy Halloween! Here's something that's been in the works~

New Project, Don't expect any info for a bit though.

I honestly can't help myself.

Sure would be a shame

Happy New Years Everyone!

Y'all ever just get that feeling of unease when going up or down in like an elevator or plane, like you could just drop super fast or whatever ? It's hella weird. Lots of things are weird. Like my wanting to tease stuff but the clips aren't ready yet ;)

Initially was gonna reveal on March 31st, but I figured Friday would be a better day, see you soon ;)