Dark Deception - Retail Rampage (fan game)
1 month ago

ok dont play this version lmao its bad, I'm gonna push a patch later today with fixed cloning and some other things



Next up

New mannequin ability in remade zone 1. This is still a WIP btw. I'm making good progress on the game.


Here is the changelog that's way too big! Enjoy!

Retail Rampage NEW ring altar room screenshots. Lookin' real good.

please stop asking for the download link it's not done yet the final music track is almost done so the release is close. when it's done then download will show up capiche?

Here are the patch notes for the latest update. I SWEAR this is the last one.

New mannequin. Based off the one that the Dark Deception twitter account showed.

1st patch coming very soon. Thanks for the feedback (mainly from discord)! I made easy mode easier, nerfed the mannnequins and their abilities, removed a few in zone 1 and other stuff Also here is my latest run (not trying to brag or anything)

update will be delayed to may because some stuff still isn't done. But it's gonna be worth it. For now here's a look at the new Freezing Fiend model! edit: I also updated the music on the gamejolt page

Got myself a new pfp. Made using Blender.

New Retail Rampage zone 3 trap because the freezing vents sucked and were broken. Behold! The icicles. Don't get underneath them though as it's hard to run with a gaping hole in your head ;)