This time you will need some people to sign up, so I will do this, whoever is watching this post wants to appear in the series has to do the following:
1- obviously follow me on Game Jolt
2- be joined to the group "The murderlies" and if you are not joined at the end of this post I leave the link
3-I need some fan art from their own OC (original character) with the design they want to appear in the series and their talents and part of their history with the hastag #DangaChara0w0. and that they mention me to know them and I will name those who won the position, even though some people like @sansfell_redsans are already included
Well this is what I wanted to tell you and tell me if you would like dangaronpa to come back with a better story
link comunity:
-The Murderous Chara