SwapFell: Onyx
3 years ago

ok so, basically, everyone is making new takes of swapfell and fellswap, so I decided to make one too because catsuptale sapped all of the creativity out of me

I might change the name later if I find a cooler gemstone to use



Next up

3 of the characters in The Puppeteer - GOLD, Eric, and Nolan

not even doing the quest but I felt like making this anyways


some of my favourite rappers

imo tecca is the best

yes I know I did ken dirty

alright so basically I made this for my band because we needed a logo

digital version coming someday soon

oldest to newest

first image is David

second is my tag

third is a tree

third is a tree

third is a tree

fourth is

my boy GOLD dripping (WIP)

ehays up guys its ken carson

I commit horrid atrocities daily


it is. ery important to be positive and nice and nice and positive ☺☺☺

yeah ok anyways