Friday Night Funkin': Custom Catastrophe

2 years ago

ok so basically the fnf boyfriend is name is Cam apparently...

and what're my thoughts on the matter?

Well, not to offend anyone with the name Cam IRL, but that just means I'll need to either add another character, or a skin as a joke.

In otherwords; It's kinda more work for me, and i don't like it.

Again, that's not to offend anyone with the name Cam IRL. Besides, the fact we even HAVE an official name for him is amazing. Now all we need is girlfriend's official name.

Anyway, I see it overall as a win. Not the biggest win, but a win nevertheless.

-Have a good day, OK Hand.



Next up

New Character Reveal: Eduardo (Aka the divisive well well well guy)

hold up it turned blue?

Oh hecc it's a teaser

Technically Politically Charged (39) - Spot The... Difference?

a totally normal camera

i think

it exists thats all that matters lol

Reveal for a character: Glow Monster

A on Non-Existant media (Requested by @dreamwar ).

I hate that i made this, let alone thought of it.

Anyone got a name?

yeah i made this for the game

call it a leak if you wanna

New Character (In a Cool Way): Ron