Hog Error
1 year ago

Ok so... I think I finally know what is causing those rendering issues for some people. I'm gonna go ahead and test it out. Please be patient.

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Next up…

Might as well show it in video form-

Like I said, this is not a anti-piracy game or anything like that.

(Everything shown here is a subject to change)

(Again, this might or not might be actually released-)


2 years on Game Jolt. Time sure flies fast. I remember creating my account like it was yesterday lol

(Yeah I know I said I would take a break from making posts, but this is a special occasion, so I might make an exception for this one)


like I said, may be used for something who knows 👀

No way, that's hog guy from hog error.

Art by: @Jacy_cobo

Hog and Prowler

(Art by: me)

Now we know who caused the eclipse today-


So many Hogs

Found this on SMG4's server-