18 days ago

ok so...my friend made this art of my oc...I LOVED IT!!!!

first fanart anyone has made of my oc and man..this is incredible!!

If you want to see more of his arts he has a instagram account. (Pls follow him he is a great artist)




Next up

low quality images of my drawings

I really dont like posting stuff about my life in here but, i will be taking a break from drawing or making thinks in general.

I dont know for how long this will last but i still plain on finish some stuff before this break.

Something different.

45 Layers in total

5-6 hours to complete

Also i recommend hearing duster songs, he is underrated. and he makes beautiful music :)

and yes this is my OC.

A Friend asked me to draw his oc, and here it is.

he payed me 300 dollars :D

im cooking 🔥🔥

i am really late to tell you all this but the minecraft drawing should be already done by now but today was my little brother birthday.

happy birthday you little silly goober

(he is 5 years old now.)

me tired to finish drawings

me sleep 😴

A Sketch of my personal tf2 loadouts, i will finish this layer when i get determinated enough

Hello everyone, i am more calm about the whole situation that happened yesterday, i decided to make the break a bit shorter, only 1 week, i really appreciate The kind messages you all have send to me :)

Thank you