DUSTTALE: Floral Intervention
1 year ago

Ok so, There's gonna be new menu Art and stuff coming soon. Also work on the soundtrack is going to happen soon enough. Not sure about coding. Spriting Progress is also going fairly well, and im thinking of doing monthly devlogs.



Next up

I redid the Duud reference sheet

(Please make fanart I will give you a platonical smooch)

* la turaa, la tusmae, la tatakalamu.

More Dustswap stuff

OW edition


baby girl...

I'm one lefting...

*I fear no god.

*for nothing they could do,

*is as bad as what i am about to do.


* one by one, they all fall down

* won't you join them?

May or may not be significant

alright ppl so duud is taking a little hiatus so for the time being im taking over the game

i dont know how long he will be gone but this wont affect the game too too much dw