Stealing the follows
3 years ago

Ok, Stf is cancelled. for now...

I'm to busy with other projects, like Super Boiboi. And i'm getting nowhere on the game. So untill I finsh SBB and find motivation to finish the game, it's gonna be shelved.



Next up

Wip 2

removed the birthday hats bc i'm sick and tired of drawing them with those everytime

alright I fucked up the tutorial so it's extremely broken rn but

it's scrolling

never thought I'd get this far

Here are some of the option screens for Stealing the followers, the fangame i'm working on

Henry Stickmin - Henry Stickmin Series

ok wip

probably gonna be done with this tomorrow. which is good because Boiboi came out on the 9th and the 10th for some reason

Be sure to swing by for the premiere, or swing by after it’s out, for a whole Direct on Henry Stickmin fan works from the community!! It’s over on the Strobe Interactive YouTube channel!

damn even their name is a fucking sonic reference I can't take this anymore

Happy two year anniversary for my first ever major game!

Really looking forward to coming back to this series!

It feels so strange actually working on this thing