1 month ago

Ok what is he even doing anymore why the fucj is the rock annoying orange now



Next up

I used to draw myself like this and it low-key slays

Oh and I found this gem that I made ages ago.

This is canon to doors au

Good news in terms of development: trophies work

Anyway uhh let’s try lighten the mood

Anyway, since I reached 900, here’s the tetra plush being crushed, as I promised

Am I the only one who think selling this on a kids game is slightly fucked up.

idk why, but razor blades do have a slightly dark connotation around them, relating to s*lf h*rm.

it could be completely innocent, but still, I can’t shake the fact it’s weird


also, bouta beat a new hardest!

Hey you! If you support palestine, Click this link, click the button, and send proof you did!


once you send proof, these will be my commission prices for you specifically!

remember, keep talking about Palestine!

Quick PSA: you should probably report this user. He groomed minors and send numerous people (including me) pictures of his dick, even when I asked him not to. He thought it was funny, and took pride in grooming minors. Refrain from harassment tho. Thanks.

Woohoo!! New hardest!