Five Night's At Fucking Ralsei 0.5
2 years ago

Okay its done sorry everyone for the bug



Next up

Finally I finished creating my game

if you guys found any glitch tell me please !…

Thank you guys so much for 18 followers on my first FNaFR game !…

okay so i finaly i make the ralsei walking sprite For the Rpg vx ace i just draw it at the good resolutions for the game

but Ralsei is more tall than the other so maybe i will remade every fuck boy characters .

I made my first meme on deltarune Lmao

I hope you guys will like it !

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram


Coming Soon...

Some time ago, we posted a screenshot of the Mexico level. A curiosity about it is that, like some other scenarios of the game, it was inspired by a real landscape, The Basaltic Prisms of Santa María Regla. It is one of the natural wonders of the country!

New Teasers!