2 days ago

Okay, no seriously! These logo kids need to stop whatever they're doing...


So basically, when my channel came along, I had no idea what I was thinking when I became friends with a person or should I say traitor, that was the part of the logo editing community. We were basically best friends and he would comment on my videos everyday. We basically created history together. That was, until I saw what he was doing behind my back. He was supporting bad people like Ra1nb0wk1tty101, and supported people that made NSFW and lolicon stuff out of young characters from different media. Characters like Abby hatcher, and Annie from the Little Einsteins for example. He asked if I was lesbian while trying to hide his homophobia through smile trying to make sure that I wasn't lying about my sexuality. And when I told him yes, he made a ship between the two young characters I mentioned earlier they were 7 and 3 years old and they were being shipped by this maniac. There was even this one time he sent me a screenshot of something from an NSFW channel, and asked if I remembered it. Things only got worse and worse as the months went by after I was being comforted by a kid with a Chromebook after I lost in a tournament, he (being my classmate and NOT the kid who comforted me) went full on Ape Caveman rage mode on me, and started threatening me for God knows what reason. This was actually because I lost due to him being an annoying pile of trash. He treated my other female classmates like this, too. I know that he's always trying to hide his homophobia through a smile, and I know exactly what his true motives were. Exactly why I stopped being friends with him anymore. In the summer, I was attacked and harassed by the logo editing Community just for criticizing someone that was a part of it and making satirical jokes out of them but it wasn't meant to be taken seriously. Then I started to regret about the way I looked. I remembered I felt extremely picky about the two lumps on my chest that boys don't have at the front, And I started to theorize that this is why he targeted me in the first place. And that's also why he started stalking me everywhere probably in person, but mostly online. It was like he was a sexual predator, until one day in late August, that was when it happened. The first time I've ever been Gr00m3d in my teen years. I showed my family and friends about it, And me and my friends had planned to take matters into our own hands and tried to get the police involved to arrest him. But since I lost pictures of his face I took, And pretty much all the screenshots, there was pretty much nothing we could do about it. I'll try my best to find these pictures again so I can show the cops, And hopefully this fucking monster gets a taste of his own goddamn medicine. Because he's been stalking me like a Caveman hunting a mammoth, And I've been so scared ever since. The cause of my fear was because I believe that they must have some sort of Lolicon and sexual activity going on. They keep on referring to the logo editor defenders as "Good girls" and "Good boys" like something straight out of a freaking sexual lolicon movie. And I highly DON'T doubt that they might have a cannibal fetish going on, Or maybe an interest in lolicon, And possibly even have fantasies of eating young women and girls. This is extremely disgusting and messed up... I remembered when I was 11-12, I used to have an intense fear of being cannibalized This happened all the way back in mid and late 2021, And all the way to early and mid 2022. I've always been scared and paranoid since that horrific incident involving the logo editors, and I sure hope that none of you have to experience this type of harassment or fear, if not trauma and anxiety. I'm very sorry for the people that probably went through the same thing I went through, And that's why I'm getting therapy because of it. Maybe it's best you guys get therapy too.

I love you...



Next up

Cute Scenecore goth boy gift for @Gabriel155GJ !!

He's going to haunt you, bro....😞 I feel so bad for @Cupheadthecoolcup123 ... He hasn't been uploading on his channel for years now!

Extremely Primitive and uncivilized Balloon Toad meets a girl that looks like Koishi!

@Gabriel155GJ as William Afton and killing naughty bunnies! The second picture is the unmodified and original picture by @Gabriel155GJ


Manananggal/Succubus Jazzygirl and the 4 fetuses.


Sadly, I don't have a steam wishlist or even a steam account, So I guess I might as well put the screenshot here. I hope @gamejolt accepts it because I don't have steam power.


@Gabriel155GJ I'm actually very sorry for this, I just drew it just

@Ericdesantiago 's sake..

I literally made Tarzan CupGabriel

"He lied to us....."

Based on the old .EXE games by @RandyBecker

@RandomPhyre ..?

Would you want to kill some gummy bears?