8 months ago

okay now i remember why i couldnt sleep last night..

it was kind of my fault but uhh yeah, i need to inform you about this, this is a serious matter:


[go to article for more info]

i was kind of in a dillema last night, when i saw my FIRST EVER object abuse video.. [i need to inform you of this so we can clean the internet for the next generation coming or whatever]

the specific video made me click it because it had the keywords of "trophy [inanimate insanity]" and "getts sexually abused"... i was in a state of shock words cannot even explain how i felt in the moment, i wanted to throw up...

i then went to their yt channel to see if this is something they do constantly... and oh yes, yes it was, actually it was the only thing they post [minus 1-2 shitpost videos with a discord community announcement in the description] (most of the posts were just massacres, then the 2nd most were the sexual abuse, last was 1 homophobic video...)

they even had a colab video with some other object abuse account, wich seemed to be their friend

i watched EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, so you dont have to. i dont think ill be able to look at the osc fandom the same way, ever again, i might even take a break from it.

those accounts need to be reported asap. they need to go.

here are their account @s :

the first one i talked about is @HfjONEAbuse [on yt]

their friend is @ObjectsForAbuse [on yt]


i really didnt wanna post abt this but it was bothering me greatly..



Next up

uhh dis weeks art dump might start doing art posts weekly if theres nothing to interfere

1st img is next weeks leak

yayyy,, i guess??

we love casting spells

mhhh thingg.. for @Flavio-animates (hes going to remake it)

tht actual moment when i put 0.0001% effort in art:

hatman sees all.

some osc/fantub art i made a while back!, Live laugh love Fan

@HelloWorldHappyDay said sigma..... if you think its fake youre sstupid anf uhhh a cornheaded ninny muggins..

pic of hw saying sigma in desc