4 years ago

Okay, so I've beaten Night 5, idk if there's supposed to be a cutscene though. But one question. Since it talked of a hallucination of Golden Hanwil/Hanwryes. Does Golden Hanwil/Hanwryes activate on Night 5 or 6?

Edit: Night 6 done , going to last night.



Next up

All nights, 7/20 mode, and Creator Night complete

this was a really nice and enjoyable game and not many fnaf games take place in a cafe (it's interesting and i like that idea). now i just have to wait until SC 2 releases. :waiting:

All nights, Custom Nights (you can't see golden homer or lisa's saxophone but they're there), and MAX POWER Time mode completed.

I finally beat night 6! i'm really happy rn, all i have to do now is to complete the cn challenges, exploiters mode, and exploiters mode cn.

Completed night 7 and on to the custom night.


All FTaH games... 100% Completed!

Wait, WTH?!

(No, I’m not surprised by what @TapClock said. I’m surprised by the fact there are 2 same posts of it.)

600 subscribers reached on my main YouTube channel! Thank you for that!

here is an easter egg that you might know

easter egg: old hans consequences in extras

how to get it: click in the middle area between the icons of Dark Homero and Kwyjibo in the extras and you'll get it