As you can see, I got a makeshift e-book engine done in VX Ace, just to give the story a sleeker look that better fits ZodiA WavE's aesthetic, and serving as a much more preferable dark mode.
This new edition is set to include: 3 bonus short stories expanding on past and upcoming visual novels (GorgoN ChambeR X, FinaL GatewaY, and MonsteR IslanD), an expansion to the epilogue just to tie a neater bow around the story, more grammar and spell checks, and a separate revised copy of the original PDF.
Fortunately, all the writing and artwork required has been completed, with the only art assets needed now being for an opening, but that's usually the simplest part of production (relatively speaking anyway). As for writing, it's all just a matter of converting it all to the format (which I designed to make it slightly less-time consuming than with the VN's).
All in all, I don't want to make promises, but this new edition of ThaNaToS: UncannY PostmorteM should be ready soon
Be sure to check out the devlog for MRID if you haven't already, and I'll be signing out now to get back to work.
As always, EnjoY ThE ShoW!