3 years ago

Okay weirdest thing just happened.

So I was watching some MrBeast like an actually smart human being, then I get a notification from some girl commenting on a meme video of mine saying I should watch her besties video because her bestie was 'Geeky and Loved Anime'. I'll admit, I'm pretty geeky but Anime? Yeah I think you all know that I don't like Anime.



Next up

I made a v2 of my Movie Springbonnie drawing, since the old one was made before the movie dropped and there was hardly any reference images of him

(v2 on left, v1 on right)

Last year in the month of December, the Jack-O-Fazbear's series was finished. It was originally intended to be a quadrilogy, but I'm glad its just a trilogy now.

The story may be done, but the series has one more thing in store.

Stay tuned...

Testing 101 - Remake: The Reopening Update is out!

Gamejolt what the fuck

v1.5 - The Five Nights at Dee's Crossover (Part 1) is here!

So I got some new art coming up

WIP images

I revamped the character NightTime from my game Those Nights against the Forgotten

New on left and old on right

v1.2 - The Molten Freddy Update

Plans for v2.1 have changed. v3.0 will be The Final Update.

Anyway, as part of v2.1, heres a teaser for whats to come!