21 days ago

Okay well, ummm. Here's a gameplay fact I guesses

Valor's eyes will glow but not in the traditional sense. When the player enters a darker room or area then Valor's eyes will start to glow & become visible. Lighting up a small area around them.

I plan to explore this mechanic with a character named Hailey in the Ruins section. More info on Her and the other guy soon.

I'm currently struggling with finding the right dark shade that fits Valor's skin tone. I'll show the completed version after i figure it out.



Next up

This was my horrible attempt at drawing Sans. I hate it so much

Made this. Ben obsessed with UTKS recently and made this little "What if UTBB & UTKS were in the same timeline" drawing. Just to clarify; They are not cannon to each other. But is is a nice HC to have!

Found this on pinterest. Choose!!!

Holy crap Sans Underune.

Since y’all asked so nicely here’s a part 2

let me just open my menu OH WHAT THE-

Idk why but these two are my favorite. Even tho I don't even have a name for them


I forgot to post about this!!!