Pvz EZ
8 months ago

Omagoj pvz ez community real?!



Next up

pvz ez is too ez...

Peashooter by @hexar260 :)

Hexar: "outdated sprite lmao"

power up selection and seed selection are now completed!

things yet to be done:

-new zombie called beastly zombies


-level rebalancing

so yeah 0.1.3 will most likely be release next week so stay tuned for that!

seed packets...

now all is smooth and good!

-the seed selection menu now go up way faster

-changing powerup selection with arrows now works in both directions

-the seed reward at the end of a level now stays a the middle of the screen

first looks on seed selection in pvz I.D.K.!

alive game :D

the three life states of a grave

silly lil packet and a silly lil font