1 year ago


Hiya, it's been a while since I made one of these posts in here again haha-


First of all, I'm really happy to see the community growing bit by bit, it's close to 300 members!

I'm glad to see many more people join this community, it's becoming more lively here nowadays actually! And I hope it continues to stay like that :D

I actually plan to improve the server a bit more, just to make it less confusing and more organized! Though it might take me a while to set those up-


So uhh you probably noticed (or probably not) that I stopped ejecting posts that has anything to do with Real World stuff in the creations (ones that didn't have any spoiler warnings). I actually ended up lifting off the old updated spoiler system of the community since it seemed pretty stupid-

I decided to make a new spoiler system for this (which I'll be sharing a while shortly after this post), hopefully something that isn't as confusing and is quite fair for you guys?


Also as you probably know, I'm the only one assessing this community by myself- I'll be re-introducing mod applications soon, once I get a new form ready ^^

I might also make a feedback form from time to time, to check if the community's alright with how things are going!

For now, that's all I'll be informing you guys! Thanks a lot for reading this post and see ya in the next one!




Next up


Got more progress today!!

Sharing this here for those who don't know- If you're into Oneshot, Yume Nikki, and Yume 2kki, check out "Margin of the Strange"!

Back the Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/futurecatgames/margin-of-th…

Full trailer: https://youtu.be/Hst9j_-kkLs?si=tWpOnMh8bI36CXRr

Steam Wishlist: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2949750/Margin_of_the_Strange

The stickers are reshuffled again! Good luck and have fun collecting these stickers!!

Abbi piggy skin concept


Not gonna be streaming this week, but I'm gonna be cooking something yet again... (It's for a contest)

I made some drawings of me and my friends in a sorta omori style idk im not that good at mimicing it (i used this for the dialogue box screenshot https://ransu-ll.github.io/Omori-Dialogue-Generator/)

More progress on my submission for the contest.... (Yes it's intentional that it's blurry and has noise)

🏏 Happy Birthday Aubrey!! 🏏

[ Art made by Nui Konoito ]

Welcome to White Space

Trying to do some more detailed pixel art.

A sneak peak on something....