Five Nights at Nintendo Land Returns (Non-Profit)
11 months ago

On Exam Break!!!

Hi, I'd like to inform you that I'm going to take a break, when you see on the page title it says in brackets "On exam break!!!"

That means I have to be ready for the exams, you know I'm in carpentry. This exam is called "IST", which means "In-service training", Which is actually: "the NVQ".

At the start of the new school year, I'll be taking the English IST on Friday March 8, the masterpiece oral on Tuesday March 12, and I'll also be doing an internship, after which I don't know what's going to happen.

But I'll still be working on Nintendo Land Returns when it's all over.



Next up

I will not be replaced

Who is that pokémon?

Everything thing is fine… or not

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