I'm still super thankful for all the positive responses the trailer got, and I'm very proud of the hard work I did to get that trailer done in time for the original October date that Fangame direct had. It ended up being delayed but it was very much needed!
I'm happy I was invited to be a part of that event! I met some really awesome and talented people (some of you are following me, I see you), and personally had a great time overall. I hope I can do something like that again, but only if I can guarantee I'll have something ready for it in time!
I do apologize for not being able to release Long Hours this year like the trailer said, and I also apologize for heavily delaying it further by having the series go through a massive change. However, it is for the better and will make me far more comfortable with working on these games!
This year I've learned a lot of things during Long Hours' development that's going to help me a ton down the road. Not only has my modeling improved, but I've learned so much more about my limits and how I can actually work with them to make even cooler things that I didn't think I could do back then!
Also, I won't say much on this, but I do have another project in the works. I have no idea when it'll actually start to pop up as it's super early in development, but I'll leave you guys with this for now.

Keep your eyes open. Not everything I post may be about the new Phobia series going forwards...