1 year ago

One day I was existing

then I thought

“Mocking Man? What about Mocking GOD-“



Next up

Warning: Chainsaw and bright colors on the next slide

My drawing (+ headcanon design) of Shy Worker (from Captain’s Basics Adventure) with a chainsaw!! :-D

A smaller form of Captain Copper (aka his computer form, where he’s in his not-baldi-mod form and he actually teaches people history)

Another Metal-head (G.I. Joe DiC) work in progress sketch ough

hey guys, just to let you know this is NOT me, I dont even have a newsground account, hopefully this acc gets deleted

Why tf do I make attempts to draw G.I. Joe characters digitally but never freaking finish them ehfbdhchsnxjdj (The character’s Low Light btw)

Evangeline ref sheet :-D

Ponysona finished!! Their name is Frozen Jello :-]]

(edit: remade the background because I didn’t like how pastel the previous one was)

Remake of one of my OC’s: Dallaz

(yes his name is legit a place from Texas but slightly misspelled)

Finished Cupid Man!! I actually feel proud of this tbh :-P

Shows you one of my Captain’s Basics OC