4 days ago

One extra long

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Stimky’s brother Squeaky, ‘cause he’s clean :]

such a strange and undefined creature

Perplexed Rat

in a hotel room

on my laptop

looked up to find the most suspicious looking lamp ever

They are best buds

When you wake up at 3am and you remember that embarrassing thing you did in school when you were 13

FUNNY BALL MAN !!!!!! Character by @jasxy_

This is Stewart and he would totally murder you. Btw I'm trying a new crazily polished artstyle!!! This is the second piece I've made with it and the first one is still a WIP. Stay tuned !!!!!!

"I had a stroke reading that"

I know its been a while, but here is a small video a did based on something someone by the name "matt rose" did

“ Why you look like that “

“ I unno 🔥 “