Little Bug
8 years ago

One Last Demo Build

This summer, Jamie and I spent most of our time on the road. We drove all over the country and got to hang out with some of our favorite people in the indie/alt games scene (including a long empassioned convo about the state of games with the founders of GameJolt! <3). We showed Little Bug at events like PAX West, Fantastic Arcade and IndieCade, and it was… well, exhausting. But mostly it was incredibly fun.


We designed Little Bug to be our first swing at making a game. We aimed at making a little fantasy world for us, that hopefully others would find love for too. From the events we’ve gone to, to the Let’s Plays we’ve watched… we got that and so much more, and it’s been overwhelming at times (in a good way). Now we have our full attention set on getting the full game made. We think it will take us about a year to do it, but until then, we will upload one final demo with some minor level tweaks very shortly. It’s nothing drastic, but it’ll be there if you want to check it out.

We have so much planned for our full release its hard to not just blurt it all out here, but stay tuned… we’ll be sure to let you know what we’re up to.

As always, thanks for your support!
Bela and Jamie




Next up

We have permanently lowered the price of our game Little Bug to $4.99! Enjoy <3

Limited Run - Roadkill Shirts! (store link in article)

'Tis the season to make offerings to the dead. If you see Roadkill, make sure you have something interesting in your lunchbox you can spare!

Who remembers cheap video game keychains?

The Shooty Hands The shooty Hands (I’m bad at coming up with names) have a trigger area, and if you cross into it, you better be prepared to outrun some high-speed severed finger tips of death!

Watch the Devs play at 12pm PT today!

We've been making some weird unlockable bonus levels!

Open Super Secret Bonus Levels in Roadkill's Altar!

We redesigned our Instagram putting more of a focus on telling Nyah's story. Told from her perspective, looking back at her childhood experience, the Instagram feed reads from oldest to most recent post.

yay! we love fan art, especially this one of Nyah and Roadkill <3 so cute and so good!