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Welcome new followers! To celebrate, here's a new GIF that shows a mysterious object beaming up into the sky...
Pretty GIF from the first few seconds of The King's Bird launch trailer!
Good news: Online leaderboards are in, thanks to an awesome Game Jolt API. Bad News: Team productivity is waaaay down now.
The King's Bird - Now out on Steam
Our amazing fans are organizing a community-driven Showcase Race of The King's Bird tomorrow at 3:30 PM U.S. Pacific Time (6:30 PM U.S. Eastern). Speedrunners will be competing to finish the game first. Tune in tomorrow at !
The King's Bird isn't just about flowing and gliding through difficult levels. We showed a hint of narrative in the launch trailer; here it is in GIF form.
Pinstripe is an amazingly atmospheric experience about an ex-minister father who goes to Hell to find his daughter. Out now on the Switch eShop! @NintendoAmerica #NintendoSwitch #eShop #Pinstripe
Getting hyped for Halloween with Quill on a pumpkin!
We're live on Twitch streaming the game for the rest of today! Come hang out with us!
Where the Water Tastes Like Wine is OUT NOW on Nintendo Switch, PS4, & Xbox One!