Beach Shark

3 days ago

One thing I'll be releasing after 0.6.0 will be a BeachShark: Gold, where certain things they will change with a switch if you wish, it will be for those who want to contribute to the game directly

#IndieDev #BeachShark #GameDev #PixelArt #PixelGame




Next up

New button!

For the Gold version this button will appear to activate the changes that the version will bring, I would like to put certain things, such as greater difficulty, I will think about that

#IndieGame #BeachShark #GameDev #Games #Game #PixelGame

0.6.0 is ready:

After a lot of adjustment it is finally finished, 0.6.0 I will be publishing it tomorrow and I will notify you right after publishing the version, don't worry, Dave comes out in 4 minutes

#IndieDev #GameDev #IndieGame #BeachShark #PixelDev

New frontpage

I know that it moves away from PixelArt but I feel that it is something that is perfect since I plan to bring more things from Astroteria, it has potential, and I am not a millionaire company to waste that potential

#Cover #DigitalArt #Game

At the moment I am preparing something super experimental, this will be included in the Gold version, being something experimental, it won't be an unfair advantage, or yes?

#IndieDev #GameDev #IndieGame #BeachShark #PixelArt #PixelArtist


Wow I am surprised by what you can do with my logo, I am happy to know that I can be an inspiration for other artists and encourage them to show what they can do

#IndieDev #FanArt #Cherry #GameJolt #PixelArt #PixelArtist #Creator

Camera movement:

Now when you move the camera will move with you, I would like to add some effect or modify the camera, If you have any suggestions, comment, I will be reading you

#IndieDev #GameDev #Indie #Games #Gamer #BeachShark #PixelGame #PixelArt

The animations of the trophies are finished for now, just let me adjust a couple of things, schedule the time of obtaining them and repair bugs that I have encountered, the 0.6.0 is close

#IndieDev #GameDev #Games #Gamer #IndieGame #BeachShark #PixelGame

It may take me longer, thanks to my experience, now getting trophies looks much better and now BeachShark no longer depends on time, now it depends on your points

#IndieDev #GameDev #Games #Gamer #PixelArt #PixelArtist #BeachShark

It is not a sequel, it is not a prequel, it is part of something important that is related to a personal project,

#IndieDev #GameDev #IndieGame #Teaser #Trailer #PixelArt #Cherry #Creator

I can't even believe how many Sprites this button would have, but hey, whatever it takes to make it look pretty and how I want it.

#IndieDev #GameDev #IndieGames #PixelArt #PixelArtist #PixelGame #IndieGame