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So @IsaiahZ has started harassing my friends so here is another screenshot of his psycho behavior. He is a menace to the internet. I surely haven't done anything wrong and neither have my friends. Get off the internet you chronically online freak.
Adressing the Alegations: Apparently I don't know how to code the game I am creating despite me being the one who is coded the gate closing and opening and main menu buttons. I know how to code because I spent like 20 hours out of my weeks learning.
@IsaiahZ I was willing put things behind and forget about you. Talking to me that way is one thing. Do not talk to my friends that way. Their games has no stolen assets. Even if they did, it is better than the slop that you make. Fucking clown behaivor.
So as you may know, the Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Movie now has a poster, and someone released a funny template to add our own characters, so here's some silly edits
New Video https://youtu.be/GQoOoArqV1Q
A Wild Hamburglar has appeared at a local McDonald's! Happy 50th McDonald's
@IsaiahZ Hey heard you are trying to turn my own friends against me. Kinda hard to do that when your such a fatty mc lard face.
Classic Mary
It's that TIME AGAIN