Newgrange (Ravenex Version)
7 years ago


Hey there, Gamejoltians. I have good news, and bad news regarding Newgrange Horror. Let me explain:

This picture.

That’s my unity screen. It has been broken like that for around a week now, and I have no way of fixing it. I cannot remove the screen, and updating Unity doesn’t seem to work either. I have tried countless answers found from around the web, but nothing works. That’s the bad news. Here is the good news:

This will allow me and Thomas to recreate the game in a more efficient way. Now that we have more experience, the game will be more polished than it would be if we continued from the previous project. Not only that, but using Unity’s new update will benefit us as well. I’m extremely sorry about the long break between the previous update and this one, I have recently just got out of a state of depression, and I am feeling more motivated than I have in a long time. I believe that Thomas has already posted a list of things coming to change (Which I did not allow, y Thomas).

Anyways, thank you for reading. -Straven35

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