Undertale: Brave Beginnings

1 month ago

June-July - We're really going places! This Dev Log has been delayed since July. We are sorry it took so long! (Artwork made by @Dawikzz)

Hey! Were back! We have a lot some stuff to get through so lets get started!

A New Face?

Yep! Let me introduce you to a new UTBB character; Princess(?) Emily Emerald!


Emerald is a young spider monster (13 years old) that you will be familied with in the demo and through out the story. She lives in the Ruined sewers with the rest of her sibling, maybe you'll even get to meet a few of them

(Art work made by Hollow)


[ Coding ]

As of writing this, our custom base UT engine is almost complete! We only need to work on a few thing regarding the battle & overworld system. After that we will start implementing some changes such as adding out reworked magic system and a few new special changes.

Then we'll get to work on rooms, tilesets, and backgrounds!

[ Music ]

We've been releasing a few tracks on our game page and YouTube! You should go check them out when you have the time. Our composers work hard on every OST they make and we hope you enjoy listening to them just has much as the team!



We only have a small amount of OSTs at the moment, but were trying to chip away at at it step by step! We don't want to overwhelm anybody here since most of the team have their own projects they have to work on as well.

[ Writing ]

As of now the demo as been fully written out! With the addition to new team members and the director reaching out to different writers in and out of the community, the game has under go some major rewrites which were heavily needed. The rest of the game has been perfectly outlined and I'm currently halfway through the Geno/No Mercy script for the Snowden section. However, writing for the rest of the Ruins after the demo on pacifist and neutral runs is still a work in progress

The plan is to work on neutral scripts after Pacifist and Geno scripts are done. Just to make things a little easier on the teams main writer (Skill issue we know lol). Also, I am glad to say that all of UTBBs main cast as been fully made! Yes we still need to work on their section/area script but like I said before, those have been neatly outlined.

Meet Our New Team Members!










Kamiko Torayama







Were still looking for more Team members! It's not too late to sign up.

We're currently looking for:

  • Coder's (Game maker Studio)

  • Music Composers

  • Concept Artist (For environments/areas)

  • Battle sprite artist (Pixel Art)

  • Character designers (Visual)

  • Tile set/background artist (Pixel Art)

Application form:

Gamepage & Social Changes;

We've updated the gamepage a bit more. We've added a features, Mechanics, and a special thanks!

We felt like the special thanks was long over due. These projects helped inspire UTBB and it's only fair that they get the credit they deserve.


[Cancelled] Undertale: The Otherground by @poody_blue  


Undertale Kindred Spirits (Fangame) by 



DELTARUNE: Broken Destiny (Fangame) by 




Undertale: True Genocide (Fangame) by 



Undertinge (Fangame) by @TeamTinge  


BLIND DETERMINATION/Grimmstale (Interactive Comic) by Blind Kite

thank you @poody_blue  ,@PurrSum  (+ The entire UTKS Crew), @Starlightshore  ,@CrystalZeroChaos  ,@TeamTinge  ,@souptaels  , Blind Kite, and everyone in the Othertale/Otherrune Community. You are the people who helped inspire this project and I can't wait for you all to see what we've been planning.

Make sure to go check these projects and their creators out! These are the very projects & people that inspired Undertale: Brave Beginnings in the first place so it would be amazing if you went over there and showed them some love and support!

Social Change

As you may have noticed, UTBB has been freely promoting other projects and as been collaborating with other creators. While we are still participating in these collabs we have decided to take a step back in promoting other creators/project. In all honesty, that wasn't supposed to happen. You see, out director is really proud of the following he and this project has gained, and thought that he was "popular" enough to promote lesser known projects or projects just starting out in development. And as you can see he's been promoting a lot of projects. More so it's starting to feel like that's all he's doing publicly and fears that it may be a bit to much.

So with that being said, we will be taking a step back from the promotion of other projects after this dev log. However! We will leave a list (now) of projects that Reed planned to promote but never had the time until now and won't be put up in promotion ever again (unless super big news comes out like the demo/full release or it being cancelled).


Undertale Brave Faith by @TeamDarkLegend  


Undertale: Bold & Benevolent by Team Papya and @the_fluffernutter  


Undertale Ivy's Justice by @TeamUTIJustice


UNDERSWAP: ECHOED by @_pancakez



Undertale ICEBOUND by @LucanaDLL & @__b


Undertale ALTERATION by @Pixel-Icon15

We know most of these projects are already popular but Team beginnings still wanted to show their support!

What To Expect Next Time?

As you can see, the game page has been getting a few tweaks as of late. We've updated the description and more promotion art should be coming soon! We will also no longer be giving monthly dev logs (Not like we did before lol) and will only post when we have more content to show.

The End. . . ?

No, no no!!! The end of the Dev log, not the project! Thank you all for taking the time to read through this. I hope you have a wonderful day/nigh/afternoon wherever you are! I guess this is the end of the dev log. See you all later!



Next up

New Emojis for UTBBs Discord server! You may recognize some of the Valor Emojis but they look a little bit different. We've updated a few of them to be higher quality (And get rid of that horrible orange outline).

Rough Valor Sketch ref made by Starlightshore!

We've decided to drop the age interpretation (Kind of) and place Valor's age to be 8-10 years old.

Undertale Patience has been revived! A group of fans heard about the tragic death of the original creator and decided to revive the project with the blessings of the original creators family. They are now looking for team members!

I want to get better at painting shadows.

Thank you for 200 followers + Special Valor QnA!

(sorry, we have something special planned for UT 9th birthday but it's going to take a bit longer. We will have it out before the end of the month so don't worry ^^)

a day late ;) (1/2)

New logo made by @kr1staaa (Not apart of the team. Just something they were able to make for the game). Thanks a lot!

Meet- ????

A new UTBB Character! (Artwork made by Hollow)

SURPRISE!! To commemorate Undertale's 9th anniversary, stickers of Undertale characters will be available!!

Unfortunately since I'm quite busy (and also pretty burnt out from doing art right now) I only got to make a few... But I hope you guys like'em!