25 days ago

Order up!

It's the GorgoAlice-Granitina Special!

1 comment


Next up

The 5 month crunch rush is over, aaaannnd... the game's still not done. In short, we're 1 meetup away from having a Beta build. But that meetup won't be until June 15th because the entire team has personal life stuff to deal with. https://www.patreon.com/posts/progress-report-105518340

The Zelda-inspired Unicorn Training is finally available on iOS App Store, Android's Google Play, AND Itch for PCs!

Pick a link below and give it a try!

- https://apps.apple.com/us/developer/yotes-games-llc/id645791669

- https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=8237743714301986430

- https://yotesmark.itch.io/unicorn-training

Graphics are so impressive these days


Ponatina got glamor shots done at IRUSU's studio. ~ 🌺📸✨

Working on the special effects for moves in #BattleGemPonies. Should feel more... Explosive

Use this button to express approval.

She just wanted a latte 🥺

Working on battle scene backgrounds for #BattleGemPonies this weekend. We sure can get a lot of mileage out of minor alterations like color changes or layer swapouts.