One Snowy Night at Oscars
1 year ago

Oscar has been updated! Version 1.1.0 of Oscar is now released, and now available to play! (Check the Article for changes!

New 1.1.0

In the new release of Oscars, A new option has been added. Codes. You can type in something, and in return something will happen! So far, there's only one code that isn't a debug code.

-joquisgamer (just a thanks to @joquisgamer for being the first to follow Oscars gamejolt page) Thanks :D

Debug Codes

-db.showbetacontent (Shows Beta stuff that I am working on)

-db.showstats (Shows debug stats)

A couple of Quality of life updates

The UI has been updated! Both of the meters (Alarm Power and Flash) has had their backround remove just to make it look less cluttered.

Now, The "Lure Audio" button is now smaller, and too the side. This means more space for new buttons!

The Difficulty has been tweaked a little bit (Hard mode has not been touched) and I have made Oscar just a bit more aggressive in Easy mode.

Beta Content

With the new code db.showbetacontent There's now a tablet that shows up whenever you put in the code. It does nothing. But It looks pretty good! I just need help with what it will be!

So, I made a post about it! You can put an answer there!

Put in your answer here:

Anyways.. That's it! Thanks for being awesome and following the develpment of Oscars!

There's still nine slots to follow Oscars official gamejolt page to get yourself put in the games credits! So, If you wanna be featured in the game's credits, you can do so. I also failed to mention that if you don't want to be in the credits, you can shout at my gamejolt account, and in the next update, you will be put out of the credits!




Next up

Hii! It's been three months omg I'm so so sorry! I've been learning Unity and I made a FNAF style prototype! I'm super proud of my progress :D

So.. I tried unity for the first time and made this crap :D

I got bored, so here's an entire tier list of my favorite games

I don't agree 100% with rebelling against the Scratch Team, but I think it's unfair that they are so exaggerated with their regulations

I made cameras ^^

Gdevelop started advertising Stanley’s: Rebooted by @RilzLaFFY


Hi, forgot to post for a while, hehe! But I promise. This is proof I am in fact working on The Void! This is a diagram for dialog! (Help me, please, there is so much going on aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

Devlog 7

I made a render of Oscar. I tried at least.. It's so stupid