One Night At Stickman's Reincarnated PHASE 2

1 month ago




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la demo del juego a reportado un total de 0 bugs!!!

The game's demo has reported a total of 0 bugs!!

Tenemos mucho mas que ofrecer

We have so much more to offer

Alerta de posible Retraso del juego porque escuche que iban a cortar la luz como buen latinoamericano que soy B)

Alert of possible delay of the game because I heard that they were going to cut the power as a good Latin American that I am B)

Si el juego va estar mucho mejor optimizado que la phase 1

If the game is going to be much better optimized than phase 1

Happy Mother's Day!

Feliz Dia de la Madre!

jamás pensé que llegarían tantos rusos

I never thought so many Russians would arrive