egg land

4 days ago





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Jacko died, game's over, go home

how fast can i make an animation around two hours audio by raxdflipnote

shitty tiles i made a month ago that i now use for testing

since i figured out how to make adobe animate not shit itself when importing pngs i dont have to do vector drawings for all of the stickers so heres these unused designs

hello everyone i am jacko catacomb i'm rebranding this to be my personal account since its more of a personal than a studio account if you don't remember following, i'm CatacombStudios

had to frame-by-frame animate walking legs because when i did it a different way it looked awful

this is technically a teaser

New phone, who dis?

the flash file autosaved so i wanna put this here jacko overworld sprites that may or may not go unused