how amusing
are you not aware of the fact i have already previously shown myself to you all ?
here is the image of such thing that i'm speaking of

... it has occurred to me recently
that i did not activate the lights in the process of making that image
how silly of me
nonetheless, curious little creatures such as you must be starving for answers
there exists what you can call a spectrum
at one extreme end, there exists good
while the other there predictably exists evil
as a way to finalize and personify what they call "morality"
2 types of divine beings were created to fit into such aforementioned roles
i am sure your culture have already acknowledged the concept
however, there exists a particular divine being
she has the same capabilities as the two previous types but containing one major key anomaly

she is neither good or evil
that is all i will be yapping out of my vocabulary today
if you wish to educate yourself more about myself:
you are free to question anything your mind can articulate on this gamejolt dot com post in which i canonically am unaware of such website even existing in the canon ONI timeline
ask for what i call myself, ask for my subjective opinions on certain consumables, possibly even ask subjects related to a particular blue fella too. whatever your limited mind can think of
i will answer all of them
farewell and let us wait until we truly meet for the first time :3c