@Aylinthebunns mah precious lil' sister & bestie
@st4rb0y_ mah amazing lil' brother & good frendo
@st4rg1rl_ don't talk with her very much, but she's epic(+she's Matt's/Hero's wifey)
@l0v3rg1rl mah sweetiest niece & bestie
@Sunlight_Wolf mah incredible dogo & bestie
@YourLocalEvan mah homie, he's also epic
@hare_dare we don't talk often, but you still mah demi-bro, so have a sit :3
@Mr_gold_lover R.I.P....... i'm so sorry that I was late
@Barsik-FNwB братишка :)
@cackemc братан, помнишь меня?
@The_Russian_Beast дарова
@JuliaNik1 ты тож заходи, если шо