3 years ago

<— Swipe the images left! ♡♡♡



Next up

Oh yeah! I also wanted to show you this origami teapot I made and sent in a letter to some friends I haven't spoken to since 2011! It was great catching up with them.

If you want to make your own, I followed this tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiV1s8K1awc

Well, there certainly isn't any doubt as to which character won with these results.

Thanks so much for all the votes! Character B moves on!

Magneton doodle! #FanArtFriday

Palette: https://gamejolt.com/p/i-went-ahead-and-made-a-palette-with-all-…

: Clip Studio Paint

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Thank you for 14k followers!

: Krita

By the way, this was the quick composition sketch I made for the painting I posted yesterday. Wanted to share, 'cause I thought it was funny. Pikachu is totally doing the surprised meme face.

New PFP!

: Blender (Cycles)

I'm guessing they'll be using the results of this study to adjust the NSO subscription when their next console comes around? Should be interesting.

Don't think I can share the questions they asked me, but you can be sure I gave my honest feedback.

【No Man's Sky】

I keep finding "paradise" planets that look like this... So gross...

A spoonful of Blobcat helps the medicine go down. #SpoonJune

: Blender

Here, take this Yoshi doodle.

: Krita

Hope everyone's week is starting well!