Well everyone, The Chris Story has been released, check it out... dawg... In terms of how good the game is compared to the rest of the games in the series, I wouldn't put it high on the list. But I still think this was an alright Biggies game. I'm not gonna lie, waiting 8 Months (since Biggies 3) for the next Biggies game and seeing this, it's kind of anticlimactic. Well sort of anticlimactic. I still think in my opinion it wasn't as bad. If you find bugs, report them to me and I will fix them. All in all, I will try to deliver better next time ;)
In the meantime, this is where I get off.
- Ivannugget
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Majestic creatures
Thank you @badgie_Games67
"And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 25:30
Welcome to Breadbear's "WAR IS CRAZY SHIT!" - Bredbear, in the hood
Give Five Nights at Obamas V a follow! You aren't ready for this game... #V