5 days ago




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He got banned again wtf

it's market pliers bird day

Got myself wondering

1.0 Ace in the lounge

Fnaf created by: Scott cawthon

Fnati created by: anart1996

Fnati own by: radiance team


goofy goobers

Red recreation by: FourteenL

FNaF created by: scott cawthon

FNaTI created by: Anart1996

FNaTI currently owned by: Radiance

Oddities series created by: Radiance

Red oddities created by: Jackwald

Red island created by: Wyattmars and Keebler

This is a fan made character of a FNaF fangame series, guese which

#GJAsks My most anticipated game is Treasure Island (6.5) and Jr's: Enter The Flipside

Green Oddities 5th anniversary!

all character models by: FourteenL

Oddities trilogy by: radiance team

Fnati created by: anart1996

Treasure island owned by: radiance team

How I killed bots in TF2