Final Nights 4: Fates Entwined
5 years ago

Patch 1.2 | Burnt Chica nerf and the F bug

Heya folks.

This new patch address some of the most requested fixes.

  1. Burnt Chica has been nerfed, she will be less likely to kill you in her second to last stage as the time you have to actively be holding the flashlight on her is now less.

  2. The “F” quicktime events should now function even when the framerate is below 30fps.



Next up

RELEASE! We've released the amazing Final Nights Redux and Knuckles on the gamejolt page! Go download it right now :)!

Teaser 5 | S A V E T H E M

Teaser 9 | Too Far Gone

Teaser 8 | There are more to set free

Teaser 2 | Developed Photos

Teaser 3 | Showtime!

Development Update and some news!

Teaser 7 | Stay in the dark

Teaser 4 | The Truth

Teaser 6 | VW53aWxsaW5nIFNvdWxzIA==