One Week at Mario's 3: Showtime (non-profit)
1 year ago

Patch 1:
-Fred Sinatra and Glaze's run animation have been patched
-The Office sound glitch has been fixed for when characters are in the office
-Clone 01's office office ambience has been patched to stop the code when doing the max mode



Next up

some sneak peeks of characters as we continue making the game

We'll see you very soon... (Mario 7 is almost done, the extra content is all that's left!)

The firestorm burns bright, you can only do one thing before you can succumb to the flames.

Happy 20th birthday @cs888901 !

fun little update goin well

Just here to celebrate @cs888901 ’s 20th Birthday, (go support him)

Music is often a nice way to relax.

6/6, we'll be seeing you very soon!