F*** Nights at Wario's 2.0 [V 4.5 Paused - Unofficial Expansion]
2 years ago

Patch 4.3.1
Fixed the Final Mario Phase being ON only if you are going for the Wario-Man Fight.

And I added the Lucky Equipment for the Main game (Lucky & Gold Rings), including Challenge 3 (by that I mean the Lucky Pizza & Soda)

-too much HP moment-

  • 1 more Trophy added

Last thing - Full 4.3.1 can be downloaded by the main pack

Patch for the ones that already have Version 4.3

Again if you spot any other bugs , I'm still here to fix them.

SEe ya lol.



Next up

Somehow got A Rank on the first Pipebomb Day Win, also funny 69% completion (when posting this, it is at 90% lul).

Cool FSaW Remake, ya should play it if you like FNaW !

Real Quick a Cross-Game Quest Teaser (or "Save-Import" Scenario as some intellectual people say it these days) and news for a "Redemption" Update to these first two 2.0's (in the article).


Only did it because I was bored lol.

Neat Werio 1 Official Remake

Had a shitload of fun with it... and getting gambling addiction each time I fail my 100% Volumed Headphone check on Peach and having to make a party house at Cam E.

Oh no ! 2020 exists in Fuck Nights at Wario's Remaster !







do nothing....

What ? is a stat not a year !




[don't talk about that 69 in the middle because why would I do that , right ?]

Yoooo FNaFb Security Breach real no fake (typo moment)

Oh, didn't even knew my spawn day was yesterday.

Well I guess 2 years of gamejolt and that's about it.

Garlic Chad for the win.


Well, honestly I was going to do this because it is mah spawn day but at the same time it's been 8 months since I last said about 3.0, like holy balls. that I get something out I'm preparing something for winter and I hope of getting it out.