FinaL GatewaY: GenesiS ScrolL
4 years ago

Patch Note: Fixed a glitch at the very start that skips you to the credits.

We're pretty sure Maker was deliriously working til 5:00am at that time, our apologies. -Aries-M

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #devlog #flgy



Next up

Devlog 04

Small talk about how I start writing, plus more screenshots!

(More details in the article below)

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

So, with Episode 1 nearing completion, I thought I'd just drop another model sheet for Grim Genesis, along with a little WIP for some of the line art.


Devlog 05

VoL. 2 Update and TNTS Reminder!

(More details in the article below)

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

Okay, development on the 3rd TNTS Edition is about wrapped up.

Just need to proofread one last time, and finish up with the bells and whistles.

In the meantime, have a gif of the title screen!


#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #tnts

Synchronize your watches, everyone!

GorgoN ChambeR X: Grim Genesis Episode 1 is going live on January 29th, at 1:00pm PST!

The repercussions from eons back are about to become manifest.

Liked FLGY and other ZodiA WavE novels, and want to see more during the hiatus?

Good news! These past few weeks Maker's been working on a webcomic spinoff to the series: Aero Revelation!

Devlog 07a

Here we have a preview of the new ExplorE segments! Coming in a few, some new/updated sprites!

#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

So, been awhile. Just hasn't felt right updating here anymore given I haven't been making games, but for anyone who's been meaning to follow the novel, made a site specifically for it now (mainly cuz the other two chased it out):

Devlog 06

Sprite Mode is at full swing!

HUZZAH! Casey's finally got a tail! Shown here are some of the sprites I've completed over the last two days, with more to come real soon.

Hope y'all enjoy!


#lzrain #visualnovel #gamedev #update #devlog #flgy

Introducing Project Hermes!

A reboot of the entirety of ZodiA WavE.

We are completely starting over in the form of a webtoon that will cover the visual novels so far, then finally continue from there.

Starting with:

GorgoN ChambeR X: Grim Genesis