this game will never come out, also join and do whatever you want idc

1 month ago

Patch notes:
+ added 7 more eggs
+ fixed the glitch that made Brian unselectable
- removed Luigi (he was so sexy he caused 17 different house fires)



Next up

teaser trailer

Game plus all dlc's out now

The story of this game will never come out also join and do whatever idc- Official music video ( The upload isn't called that but trust me its that)

I love this stupid cat sm

"You zought we were gone, no, we were just waiting"

theres a [percentage]% chance that we'll add all the unused stuff from part 2 in the next dlc

Ya- ehh.. trying to be more active- fr now... also- here I drew myself- kinda.. with my Favorite Pokémon (and Former Team) in Gen. 5 :>

The Newest DLC for the game!