Lunatic Pico Custom Week Mod (Cancelled)
6 months ago

Patch's out.

Enjoy without possibly having a seizure now I guess?



Next up

Welp you wanted it, here you go.

everything shown here was made by @NikiDX .

LiNX4: Are you ready? For- Lunatic Pico: Your final showdown? LiNX4: That's not what I was about to say. Lunatic Pico: It's happening regardless, LiNX4.

Here's that image of Rewrite I said I'd do earlier. One with the filters and one without.

"Let's have a showdown shall we?" -Sadist Pico Daniel and Sadist Pico share the same birthday so that's why I made this:

Icon teaser

also Mr. Black cameo


Here's Milo/Colbat's (now scrapped) icons ig

These were made awhile ago and stink to high heaven the fuck was I cooking

Just realized we can't make the build public or anything like that because the page is set to devlog and only Mila can change it and since she's on a hiatus she can't change it either.

HUSH, Made by 8bitdnio Stars: Lunatic Pico and Boyfriend

Just found some old versions of shit I did for Too slow DX, as you can see they haven't aged the best. Infact they look like actual shit

Little thing I did for @Kseniya_chan 's birthday. Happy Birthday mate!