One Week at Mario's 7: New Beginnings (non-profit)
2 months ago

Patch Update 3:

-I accidentally separated code in the extras, making it difficult to change characters, that has been patched now



Next up

If I'm lucky, this could be out by the end of December, if not, maybe mid January

Music is often a nice way to relax.

600! Thank you guys! Expect some Mario 8 teasers very soon!

Happy 20th birthday @cs888901 !

Game is still being made while working on Nostalgia Attack, here's some gameplay screenshots

Just here to celebrate @cs888901 ’s 20th Birthday, (go support him)

Hey how's it goin

I forgot my spawn day I know these might be a bit lackluster, but I am working whenever I'm off work to get the game done, idk when it willbe done but I hope you all enjoy it, this month might be the slowest in development for me

I said there would be teasers, here's a sneak peek of Mario 7's 2.5 update!