Would any of yall subscribe if I made a Patreon later this week where starting now I post constant updates, behind-the-scenes footage, and explainations on how I do things on this project, other games, and even some of my 3D HW leading up to the release of the overhaul? Or would yall rather I start the Patreon (with all the same stuff) after the release of the overhaul? ( <- which is what I was originally planning on doing) I really want to start a Patreon to get the most out of the time I spend on my side projects while I'm in school, so comment and let me know if yall would be interested in one starting in the next few days!
I'm asking on this game page because it could affect the release date of the next update but this would include stuff for everything I work on, FNAF fan games, original projects, art school homework, INTERNULL & future TastySleep games. It's not a FNAF Rewritten Patreon, it's a Rockin.e Patreon, so don't expect it to focus on FNAF. It's just a way to support what I do, whatever I work on I'll post about, right now that means a lot of WIP Fnaf stuff but it won't always be this way. No part of this game or it's lore would be locked behind a subscription, this is would only include stuff like sped up videos of me making models with narration over it, progress screenshots (an example would be a scene slowly being put together throughout a week and every day would have a screenshot), and concepts or other pre-production stuff that would eventually end up in the extras/dev museums of future games.