3 months ago

perphaps how much effort i put in this kind of posts

explaining my honest opinion of this piece of paper

im gonna be executed if some followers are fan of this

but like

i survived of post that one screenshot

''do i hate him for no reason¿''


you're correct

but let me explain

first thing


-minos prime

so if he could stop miss circle

correct if wrong because only watched the animation a few of times and skipping some parts

why he could just block alice's way¿

second thing

this one is actually personal opinion lmfao

possible swear


this kid is at my opinion could be annoying

but uli

why you say it¿





cya next post



Next up


expectative and reality prob is a problem that you need to take care of when you do this things

or idk

maybe i am the fool in this situation

literally called as cap


demonium first apparition in a draw

note that i planned this dude like since 2022

yeah that back ground is from google

half life reference included

cant get even more questionably bizarre¿

maybe this game has one of my favorie aquatic levels

after of killing floor wrath levels

if ''the accident'' oc wasnt enough

here the other result of use purgatory energy in experiments

in this case using it with radiaction

doesnt have canonically a name so lets say its called as ''aberration''

casually post a oc after of show the definition of weird in lore


the man of irrelevance

only if i had the chance of take back that account might would go and try delete it


for some reason i genuiely want to revive this thing for absoluty no reason appearently

still posting in this place for some reason.....