Lisa The Unjoyful

1 year ago

Первое августа. Репетиторы. Подготовка к десятому классу. Возможное замедление разработки... Но я не сдамся.
First august. Tutors. Preparation for the tenth grade. Possible slowdown in development... But I will not give up.



Next up

Новозагруженные файлы музыки перестали воспроизводиться. При попытке скачать музыку возникает ошибка. Разработка ведется. Newly uploaded music files have stopped playing. An error occurs when trying to download music. Development is underway.

Development is still underway... I'm not going to cancel. Despite some persons from Stag's Bazaar... -------- Разработка все еще ведется. Я не планирую ничего отменять. Даже не смотря на некоторых умных личностей на Stag's Bazaar.

H-H-HOLY S-SHIT!!! IS-IS THAT A-A SELF INSERT C-CHARACTER!!!!!!!!!!!!@!@!#!!!!?!?!? No. I tired to hear this. No. Minho Paeng it's not a self insert character. If you think about this because of avatar... Eh... I will change it later. Maybe.

Скоро школа... School is coming soon...

well, the meme from the previous post made my neuron ACTIVATED so my motivation has risen(and the speed of development too a bit) because I have loyal fans who remember me even after all this time xD here's some silly mutant btw see ya later!

hey uhh uhh guys uhh let's compare two games: the first one is finished and second one is.. not. But who cares lol, I think the second game is bad because author it's a teen and he made one mistake. and first one hmm idk woman!!! (old sprites lol)

Chungus has no beginning. Chungus has no end. Chungus is infinite. Millions of years after our civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, Chungus will endure. Chungus is eternal. The pinnacle of evolution and existence.



Still here. Все еще здесь.